Love for leather!

Hello loves! How was your week-end? All I had to do was study because my exams aren’t over yet but soon I’ll get rid of them and I’ll be smiling again 🙂

Today, because I have some free time I really want to tell you about my feelings for leather and how I found out about Maxwell Scott Bags. I’ve always loved bags and backpacks, just like every other girl but sometimes I think I’m taking it too far! I can’t stop buying them. I like simple bags because I think that the bag is the accent to my outfit.

How I found out about Maxwell Scott Bags? Well I was browsing on the internet the other day, like I do everyday actually. I don’t read press or something else. I’m browsing for clothes, bags and make-up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m reading press, but about clothes, bags an make-up 🙂

Back to our story, I was telling you that I was browsing on the internet when I found an ad for leather goods. I clicked and everything changed 🙂 I found these amazing leather bags, simple, big enough for everything I carry everyday, just perfect. Because I always dig everything about that company before ordering something, I discovered an interesting story.

Maxwell Scott Bags is an English luxury brand. It was founded in 2002 by William Forshaw because he noticed that many of his colleagues we’re bringing plastic bags to work instead of bussines briefcases. After he had a family trip to Italy, began looking in the highest quality tannery to begin producing the leather for this bags. That’s quite a story isn’t it?

This made me wanna click more and more to find out everything they have. Then I found this:

This, for me is just the perfect backpack. I can already see it with the first coat from my January wishlist (if you haven’t seen it you can find it here), with some silver boots, black leather pants and a shirt. You can also choose another color besides what I’ve chosen, which is black. I like it because it’s simple, cute and not too big. You can find it here.

I also found some other leather goodies like this bag:

I think that is one is big enough for me when I’m going to school. I can carry all my books, my Ipad and every make-up product that I need. Again, I like it because it’s simple and big enough. You can find these pretty one here.

Of course I’m not writing for women only so I went searching something for men too.

I’m not a pro at searching bags for boys but this one is just caught my eye. It’s a travel bag big enough for you to use it on a trip. You can find it here.

I really love that all these bags are simple and have nice accents. I like that they’re high quality and that means you will have if for a long time without a scratch!

You can check their website here:

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If you have any questions feel free to ask through comments.

I wish you a nice Sunday!

Love, O.

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